Are You and the Baby Struggling to Sleep? Here Are Four Tips You May Have Missed

sleeping baby

There is a brand-new baby in the family! You know what it means: sleepless nights for you and the infant. How do you make it easy for them to fall asleep? Here are unique ideas you probably do not know.

1. Install Timber Cladding

Babies have sensitive ears. That is why you find them getting fussy and anxious by the slightest sound. Their developing ears are also prone to damage. You can protect them with cladding. Those timber cladding panels in Melbourne do not only increase the market value of your property.

They can also help your baby fall asleep by improving acoustics. Wood is an excellent absorber of sound, so it reduces or blocks noise outside.

2. Help The Infant Improve Their Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm is also a person’s internal body clock. It controls many biological markers that change during your sleep-wake cycle. Babies are not born with this internal body clock. It explains why they tend to sleep for more than half a day or spend the entire night crying. It is also the reason why parents are sleep-deprived. Their and their infants’ body clocks are different.

Fortunately, babies will eventually develop their circadian rhythm over time. You can also help them by paying attention to the light. The circadian rhythm is sensitive to light. That is why you feel awake in the morning and relaxed in the evening.

When it comes to your babies, it may be helpful to expose them to sunlight in the morning and get rid of blue light in the evening. During winter, you may not be able to go out for some sunshine and a walk. An alternative is to use daylight lamps. Just make sure you do not place it close to the baby.

3. Reduce Your Stress

You already fed the baby, turned off the lights, or even played with them. Still, they will not fall asleep. If your baby is well, perhaps the problem is your stress. Stress is contagious, experts say. Babies may struggle with verbally expressing themselves, but they can pick up emotional cues.

Infants can also produce cortisol a few weeks after they are born. Cortisol is a stress hormone that also regulates their sleep. If they are high due to stress response, your infant may find snoozing challenging. Granted, parenthood is stressful, but you can find ways to relax even for a few minutes. Some of these include:

  • Meditating for five minutes
  • Listening to your favourite music
  • Soaking yourself in the tub for ten minutes
  • Drinking herbal teas or decaffeinated coffee
  • Getting help from your other children, relatives, or spouse

4. Control Their Naps

Cute little sleeping baby

Most babies love to nap at different times of the day. An article in the New York Times shared that it could be because sleep pressure builds up in their brain faster. Either way, long naps in the afternoon could mean fully awake in the evening.

Usually, babies’ sleep schedules are erratic during the first three months. Then, they begin to become stable until their first year. During this period, it is okay if they nap for two to four hours a day.

Do not beat yourself if your infant will not still sleep well after following these tips. Every new habit takes time. Remember, too, that every baby is different. Work closely with your pediatrician so you can all develop the best sleeping plan for the child.

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