Think Invisalign is the best adult aligner? Five benefits of the Incognito brace

woman wearing invisalign

When you are an adult who needs braces, the last thing you will think about is the advantages that you will notice while wearing the brace. After all, many adults hold the opinion that braces are only for use on children and that if they ever need a misalignment corrected, they would rather opt for the crooked teeth than a brace.

As unpopular as braces are among adults, the field of orthodontics is improving each day, allowing more people to undertake more complex treatments with less noticeable aligners and braces. Indeed, the use of braces like Invisalign and the Incognito in Weybridge is helping adults to obtain a straighter smile in record time, without jeopardising appearances in the process. Great stuff!

But, does that mean that adult patients will be running to dental surgeries to undertake treatment with orthodontic appliances? It certainly seems that way, and while many are trying to undertake treatment with the Invisalign brace, there are many advantages to the lingual or Incognito brace near Weybridge too.

Behind the scenes

OK, so ‘bad’ news first; unlike Invisalign, the Incognito brace from Weybridge is a fitted brace. Simply put, you can’t take it out. But, don’t worry; your colleagues and loved ones won’t know you are wearing it unless they take a more in-depth look at your teeth. As the name suggests, ‘lingual’, these braces are fitted to the back of your teeth, meaning that when you smile, no one will be able to see them.

Rapid treatment

There is a myth that the wearing of a fitted brace means a long haul treatment. In modern dentistry, this is just not the case, and when you are fitted with a lingual aligner, you can expect treatment to last anywhere between 6 – 15 months in total. Granted, this is longer than some invisible aligners, but these braces offer more precision and are perfect for resolving a wider range of dental malocclusions.

Advanced precision


Your dentist is likely to recommend a lingual brace if you have a more complex orthodontic presentation. While fitted braces are not popular, treatment with them can be more targeted, allowing your dental team to correct specific issues easily, that would have been missed with an invisible aligner. Although lingual braces will require tightening, they are ideal for teeth that are misaligned, protruding or even suffering from severe spacing issues, to leave you with a flawless smile.


Braces plus tightening equal discomfort in many people’s minds. However, with a lingual brace, many patients report minimal discomfort, even after tightening, which creates a more pleasant overall experience. You don’t want to invest in anything painful after all! If you are concerned about the level of discomfort, talk to your dentist immediately.

Exceptional outcomes

More severe misalignments are harder to treat but with the lingual brace, the smiles post-treatment are remarkable. With a long-term success rate of over 97%, when you have a lingual brace fitted, you are guaranteed to obtain a better-looking smile. What more could you ask for? Brilliant!

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